Felix Livshits, a crooner adored by millions of the twentieth century, is united by an endless love of music and dedication to his audience. It is this deep similarity that prompted Felix Livshits to create a new program "Eternal Spring".
Valery Obodzinsky was the undisputed idol of the audience in the 60s and 70s. years. David Tukhmanov's songs “These eyes on the opposite”, “Eastern song”, “Eternal spring”, “The organ is playing” cannot be imagined sung in a different voice.
He was born in Odessa, occupied by the Germans, in 1942. A few months after the birth of the child, his parents left him in the care of relatives and volunteered for the front. Valery was lucky, they returned alive. To support the family, the parents had to work from morning to evening, and the boy was left to himself. While studying at school, he would spend all his free time at the House of Culture and soon began performing with an amateur ensemble - singing and accompanying on the double bass. He learned all the melodies by ear: Obodzinsky did not know the notes.
He worked as a fireman, made locks for furniture, but the case brought 17-year-old Valery to the shooting of the very popular film "Chernomorochka", and he realized that he wanted to become an artist. Obodzinsky's first records were released in the mid-60s, and the famous Oleg Lundstrem invited him to become a soloist in a jazz orchestra. Obodzinsky recalled: “I came to Lundstrem awkward, terribly notorious, but very self-confident and proud. It took a long time to get rid of provincialism and southern dialects. For a year and a half at Lundstrem, I made a colossal leap. "
Then solo discs began to appear in millions of copies, and soon Obodzinsky began to tour alone, collecting stadiums. But the path to television was closed to Obodzinsky. In 1970, Sergei Lapin became the chairman of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting, who did not allow Jewish singers to appear on the screen. And ironically, Valery Obodzinsky, who was not a Jew, fell under this ban.
It was impossible to get tickets for his concerts, they were sold out in a few hours. The audience was attracted by a soft, pleasant, gentle voice and songs that instantly became hits. Valery Obodzinsky did not study vocal, he was a nugget, his singing was passionate, ardent, original. Until now, remembering the words and melody "Is it pouring warm rain, is it snowing," we hear his voice.
Admirers of the talent have not forgotten their favorite singer - in 2002, the star of Valery Obodzinsky was unveiled in front of the Rossiya Concert Hall at the Star Square in front of the Rossiya concert hall.
Felix Livshits chose the music that is closest to him from the repertoire of Valery Obodzinsky. These songs found a response in his soul and will surely please the audience, who are eagerly awaiting the continuation of the Great Names project.